June 1, 2008

charity visit...

on the 30th of may, the shining teens wentto the persatuan kanak-kanak cacat for a charity visit. it was our contestant, F16, Yumiko's birthday as well but unfortunately, she did not turn up as she has got an event to attend to.. anyway, yumiko, happy birthday..greetings from all the contestants and commitees of shining teens msia 2008.
anyway, back to the charity visit,.. sylvia (in the pictuture below) is the very first person to greet all the unfortunate people and had a very nice conversation with them. not to forget the rest of the members who are very good at cheering the people up.. well done everyone...
sylvia entertaining the people there...

shining teens singing to entertain the people..

happy pic with them

haha.. it's a great day and the shining teens learnt that they should care everyone oaround us even the unfortunate ones. they also learnt that the less fortunate people should be given more love attention and care and not to discriminate them. as a whole, it is a very meaningful trip which taught everyone of us to love everyone around us...

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