May 28, 2008

flower sales for china earth quake victims

on the 23rd of may, hanying, wanceng, justin and yuan tat went to cameron highland to collect the flowers sponsor by the Flower Society of Cameron Highlands. thankz alot to all who sponsor the flowers for us. among the flowers are: lily, daisy, and roses...
after getting the flwoers, we rushed back to olympia college to unwrapped the flowers and begin to wrap them or the flower sales which is just tomorrow morning..

daisies are pretty...

committees and some of shining teens members from olympia college helped to unwrapped the flowers... thankz ya guys.. although some are playing with the flowers.... (look at ernest's head)

everyone is busy around...

here we go.. let's unwrapped the flowers.. jia yiu everyone..

aiyoh.. uncle tat, still young meh? still play hit wah kin with the tulip... zzzz... andrea is posing behind.. lol...

ta-da..... the flowers all unwrapped...roses are ready for sale.. thankz to wah kin, yuan tat, han ying and wanceng who stay until late at night to wrapped the unfinished flowers.. not to forget alice, maria, sook yan , justin, luyis, peng yim, and kean foong who wrpped the flowers and helped in the afternoon....

on the 24th of may, all committees came early in the morning to wrapped the flwoers and arrange it to the car. very sorry to the participants that we came late. this is because we had problem putting the flowers into the limited cars we have. ( we don't want to spoilt the flowers) thankz to all the participants who helped to take the flowers down to K Box from the car park.. yeah.. without you all, we would have been running out of time... thankz ya...

contestants preparing in the room for briefing...

it's christina's birthday today and we all the committees planned a surprise birthday cake for her.. hehe...happy brithday to you christina.. and may you be happy and healthy always...

she's smiling so happily.. can you see it...?

haha.. everyone posing with the birthday girl...

wahahaha...... smile everyone...

mmmm... the cake is delicious...

everyone sharing the cake.. although not much, but everyone is happy...

eating the cake..

the flowers finally ready outside K Box readily for sales...

the stage of the day...

past year winner came back to sing...

kar hee and past year winner..

adrian singing on stage...calm down bit.. you look nervous..

kelly and partner singing...

lee hou with his solo...

heok jing and is shan..

presenting angela....

and her bro duncan...

peng yim with his mic waving to the audience...

yumiko, go go go...

keith, last year's organizer...

steve and vincent.. *sorry for the photo's position....*

past year's winner...

sue leng and kar gaik...

mandy(last year's winner) with his bro adrian...

andrea on stage...

so manny people give her flowers le...

flowers again and again.. wah..... so many...

she looks happy with the flowers.. hahaha..

contestant are giving flyers about the kbox event...

whoa... this looks cool..

someone brought 99 roses.. and we are going to wrap it.. busy busy..

aikz... posing with the chairty box and the flyers wor...

giving the flyers..

ta-daaa.... th guy who brought 99 roses presents it to heok jing....

hey, thankz ya...

donating the money...

come, come.. buy our's for charity...

a mily who brought flowers from kean foong and christina...

thankz for buying and donating the money for the china earth quake's victim..

jia wen singing duet....

with ah pook... hehehehe...

wah.... this pose is so cool..

from left: phui gee, han ying, mu ming( official magazine crews) and wanceng...

thankz alot to heok jing who sell the flowers non stop....not to forget the other contestants...

everyone prepare to take picture for the press..


aeven and a baby boy whose mum's brought he flower... thank you very much aunty...

everyone busy around.. lol..


aikz... everyone so busy....

after the charity.. lol...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i feel great on last saturday..
atleast i did stg v meaningful..
at d same time cn help ppl who r in need..
most importantly..its on my bday!!
tis is a v special n memorable bday to me..
s i nvr tot tt i cud eva pass my bday by doin charity...
thx to kbox n olympia college who organized tis com..
gave me such an opportunity...
im so enjoyed..
thx alot!!=)
special thx to committees,ST08 n judges..thx =)