July 16, 2008

attention... urgent notice...


1 Samuel and Kevin Samuel and Kevin
2 Baleno Baleno
3 Evolution Evolution
4 College Wear own
5 Sports Wear own
6 Phone Show Life choice telecomm/ celcom/ nokia
7 rest and relax own but with Lee Fun’s sunglasses
8 Casual Shopping Spree own but with Evolution trendy bag
9 Casual Smart own but with cap

10 teenager Ball (dinner wear) own
11 Hip Hop Lee Fun

College wear: based on Taiwan Style
Sports: any clothes for sports or jogging (but make sure it fits you and is ok to be display to the public
Rest and relax: clothes u like lar.. maybe sleeveless shirt or t shirt as long as WITH SHORT PANTS AND SLIPPERS)
Casual shopping: is d clothes u wear to shopping.. more unique and seeable than casual wear.. (more neat, more decorations)
Casual wear: just like go lepak d shirt.. for example t shirt and jeans.. not much deco d…
Dinner wear can be formal or semi formal.. but nowadays people will wear semi formal to dinner.. it’s up to you all. Any style also can…

This Saturday, you all have to bring all the 6 kins of (own clothes) the sports, college, dinner, rest and relax, casual shopping, and casual shirt..

This Saturday will go to art team saloon for hair trimming like tat lar.. ( they will” jip jup” ur hair like tat lor…)
Den will go back to Olympia college for fitting and also for catwalk..


Anonymous said...

WHAT THE HELL??This is what you call an urgent NOTICE??

-clothes u like lar..
-just like go lepak d shirt..
- they will” jip jup” ur hair like tat lor…
-like tat lar..

so these are the phrases that I TOTALLY CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT,AND DON'T UNDERSTAND A SINGLE WORD!!!A notice should be clear and formal,without using 'MANGLISH',in other words BROKEN ENGLISH!I am not trying to prove my english is at advance level,but just to let you guys know that a proper notice from a well known organizer like K-box shouldn't be using such poor english.Compared to the Ideal Teen organized by YMCA,and they really choose teenagers who are talented,and have good leadership and are sociable with others.Whereas I don't see any qualities in any of the contestants.One of the goal of this so-called-Shining Teens is STUDY HARD,and which of your activities actually relates to studies??The activites you've organized are rubbish and total nonsense!! why don't you just organized some quizzes that can actually improve their general knowledge which can help them in their future rather than those whatever-walks...

I advise you to refer to other competitions like Ideal Teen and Teen Idol,and compare it with your so-called-shining teens.
As I know,an organizer should always be prepared to receive good and bad comments from the audience.This is not to criticize Shining Teens,but just to help improve your programme coming up.I would be glad to receive any feedback from you.thank you for reading.

Anonymous said...

To: anonymous

Excuse me,u said that u didn't see any qualities contestants in the shining teens,then i have an question to ask u..Have u really understand the background of the shining teens contestants? Some of them are university students,u know? Do u know there are not many ppl are dare to stand and perform on the stage? But shining teens contestants are daring to do these and i think the best thing of them is their time management are good. They have to manage their time for academic,perforamce and pratice. It's not easy for a teenager to manage all these things..i'm not saying that u cant give any comment to contestants but before u give comment to shining teens contestants pls think properly "are they really don't have the qualities to become SHINING TEENS"?

Anonymous said...

University students??hahahaa...SO WHAT?? you guys think that a person who graduated from a university is TOP OF THE WORLD??University graduan doesn't mean that they have qualities as well.If they do have true qualities in them,they might have chosen to take part in bigger competition such as Teen Idol,not participating in PEANUTS competition like Shining Teens which posted this kinda hell NOTICE in BROKEN ENGLISH!!itz such a SHAME for outsiders to read this kinda post you know??

and u stated that your contestant are daring to stand infront of the audience on stage??again,SO WHAT??you think only your contestant can do that wheares others can't??thousands millions and billions of people can do that!!!!

Speaking of time management in their academics,performance and practice.I don't think the contestant are really well in managing their time.Cause I think they didn't even spend their time on their academics.They will only be obssesed in this rubbish competition and forget about their studies.That is why I said the contestants have no qualities.Even schools like Ave Maria and Convent does not allow their students to take part in your competition,because it will just affect their studies,brings no BENEFITS!!

If the contestants who took part in this competition has good qualities,it wouldn't have contestants like Kiwi in the previous year.Even a SCHOOL BULLY can take part in this contest??How can you say that your contestants has good qualities??That prove that the organizer set their requirements so LOW,that even a SCHOOL BULLY can get the entrance into the contest.Last year's winner,Mundy Lee and Samuel..As you see,I guess Mundy doesn't score well in her SPM.maybe 1A??2A's??or the most 3A's??Samuel who doesn't even know how to speak English???????????!!!! Such qualities of contestants can win the competition.Imagine how will it be for this year??I bet it will be the same.Same WINNER WHO CAN'T SCORE GOOD GRADES AND DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH,am i right??

After thinking thrice,I'd still made the same conclusion that all shining teens are not qualified.The organizer should be the one thinking properly to re-organize the competition to make it more presentable.I just can't imagine that K-Box which is so well-known come up with such low-standard's competition.

Still again,feedbacks are welcomed.Thanks for reading.

Anonymous said...

ok..actually thanks for ur comment..about the shining teens qualities and the notice,i cant give any comment but u cant said that all the shining teens contestents are no qualities..may i know u r from wich catogery(secondary school)?

ya,university students are not TOP OF THE WORLD,but at least they can get into university..do u know that it is very hard for a chinese to get into the university?another thing is how u know that university student didnt join another big competition b4?

ya,thounsand ppl can stand in front of stage..but in term of bulit up of self-confident that thounsand ppl who are daring to perform in front world competition also start from this peanuts competition.Have you joined the standard competition b4?

maybe some of the ST contestants do not know what the meaning of time management.But my friend as a university student,she know that time management is very important,she know how to handle her time,she study at johor and every week she has to back to ipoh joining this competition but she also can handle her academic with flying colour. Her last semester pointer is 3.92 is first class u know?

so i think that u cant said ALL the contestants do not have the qualities..

finally,thanks for ur comments..

Anonymous said...

right,whatever you've just given in the feedbacks are totally contradictory in what I have in mind.It's like you are trying to build up some stories in order to defend your own points.

You had only answered some of the questions i asked you.How about the contestant Kiwi??????? The school bully??and the 2007 finalists Mundy Lee and Sam?????

Anonymous said...

sorry for late reply cause my university cant access to the internet..:p

about the other contestants,i really cant said anything because chating something at the back of the person is not a good habit..

i just know that if that person don has the qualities to win the contest,the judger wont choose them to be the winner..if the judgers choose them to be the winner that means they sure have something that are better than us,just we don know only..

so,i think u hav ur own thought and me too..so we don need to defend ourself,let us see together whether who will win in this time competition..then the answer will come out..:p

hope can c u soon..

Anonymous said...

i read the comments jz nw..
somebody mentioned that his or her fren who studying at johor currently gt 3.92ponits last sem..
tats means tat she gt this 3.92 before she took part in this competition...am i rite?
so, r u sure that her academy 100% wont affected by this event?
can u guarantee?
futhermore,in ST the judging onli 10%...i feel that it is bias..
y i say that because lets talk about the Malaysian Idol, Daniel was the winner, bt overall we can see that Nita did better than him..bt y he was the winner at the end?because many ppl vote for him..
even she did very very well bt she was nt the winner..nt fair to her at all..i was took part in the competition last month..luckily all marks were given by the judges so i won the competition.another contestant called many of her frens cm and support her..if tat day 50% ppl vote, i think i cnt won the competition even i did better than her..last time this competition 50% was ppl vote.therefore some ppl did veli bad bt they won finally..because they call many frens to vote for them..if u were the contestant and u did veli well bt u din ask ur frens vote for u and u cnt won the competition, wat is ur feelling?can u imagine?
anyway, tats my opinion onli..n i want say soli for the Daniel' fans.. by the way,actually ST is a healthy activity and i actually like it..reali..actually i want to take part tis yr bt when i want to gt the form it was late..cz i duno when is the due date..did u all put notice on smwhr n i nvr notice it?
if i want to take part next year hw to gt form and all these thing?
and in case of cnt attend some even tat is compulsory so hw?

Anonymous said...

ok..after i read all the comments...all of u have different opinions...
bt...i strongly agree that if the competiton marks is 90% depend on the vote .....it is bias and unfair...
y i say so....as a contestant,u hope that u win is base on your talent and your ability rite?
if sumbody win because of many fans vote him/her bt he/she not much talented thn others...wat is your feeling???
have u be a contestant before??
i think if u are, u wil having the same feeling with me...
ST is a gd event, bt like wat the people said above,try to improve ur event....
actually what is ST objective?????
.......and the overall competition is based on what??? or how the judge give the marks??based on what???
finally, what i wrote is based on my own opinion only....
pls gv me a feedback and answer my qustions...

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha....I just noticed that there are so many comments here complaining about shining teens....I am not gonna stand for any of you but me myself. If you guys really wanna complain about ST, why don't you just let us know who you are? It's funny to see that all the comments are posted up by anonymous. Don't you guys have a name?? You wanna stand up for your self? Tell us who you are!! Don't be such a pathetic person who only knows how to complain about others! Look at your self before you want to complain about others...

Anonymous said...

you also put your name as your mama lar..
izit your mama help you leave a comment here or ur name is call your mama..in chinese how izit call? so fantastic name you have!!
if you are the one of the contestant or orgaiser, such mannerless people like you are not qualified to take part in ST.or maybe you are not either one of them, then you also one of the pathenic person!!you are not qualified to talking about us!!
Kbox created this blog, they should be ready to receive any comments ABOUT ST from the public..
either is good or bad comment..
look at yourself also before you drop a comment please!!
by the way,
the name is not important at all!!
the most important thing is the point!!!in your comment you just know how to say people din put the name and no point at all..
u ask yourself, did you put your real name?! our comments are talking about the ST, but yours is talking about the person who dropped the comments, please open your eyes and look carefully "POST A COMMENT ON ST MALAYSIA 2008" your comment is not related to the ST at all!!
are you blind?!
or you nt understand english?!very poor in understanding!!
please improve it!!!
somemore, opens your eyes and see
the left hand side, in CHOOSE AN IDENTITY there are three options which are OPEN ID, NAME AND ANONYMOUS..
we have the rights to choose either one of them!!
our identities are non of your business!!! the purpose we drop a comments are just hope the organiser can improve themselves!! not let the public to know who we are!!!what for we use our name?! are there any advantage if we use our name?! to promote ourselves?!
no such people so STUPID to use their real name to comment anyone!!! luckily you are not the STUPID fellow because you use your mama as your name!!!!and not your real name!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha...Oh~ I am being claimed that I am poor in understanding?? FUNNY!!! hahahahahaha....you should improve your english then....You thought your english is very good?? I don't think so....XD So stop complaining that other people's english is not good.

ok, back to the topic,
You're complaining about ST right? Yea...I agree that ST is not that good compared to other competition. But they are improving....aren't they? Hmm....I just wanna let you know that no one in this earth are born to be perfect. Even me myself, I don't think I am perfect too~So no use complaining about the participants right? They are just students and they just wanna have fun~!! You can only judge them if you're perfect. Are you? If you're perfect, you wouldn't said something that will hurt their feelings...

In your previous comments you claimed that all the participants are not qualified?? Why would you said so? I doubt.....

You know all of them in person?? hm....I don't think so...But whatever it is, I am not trying to complain about you or any of you out there~ because no body in this world is perfect~!! Right?? Even the participants. I am sure they joined this competition with their own reasons. If I am not mistaken, they're all from Ipoh, although some of them are studying outstation but at least their home town is in Ipoh. I wonder why is it wrong to join a competition that held in their hometown??

And I don't think you should said all the participants are not qualified. You can't judge things like this right? Let me make it this way, if you're one of the participants, and someone like you claimed that you're not qualified in this competition....how would you feel? I am sure you'll feel bad right?? So what's the point stepping on the participants?? If you wanna give comments and let the organizer improved themselves, it's alright...but why claimed that all the participants are not qualified?

Sorry if I've said something that hurt you or any other of you out there...I don't mean to hurt any of you...I just wanna say out the truth only...so, no harsh feelings ya?? =)

Just for your information, I put ur mama is just for the sake of having fun~ My real name is Angie =)

Anonymous said...

one thing wana let you know is i never think that my english is good..but i can still understand what is the meaning of POST A COMMENT ON SHINNING TEENS MALAYSIA 2008.
but in your previous comment you never talk about the ST. that is why i said you are poor in understanding!
one more thing is im NOT the one who complaining the contestants are not qualified!! IM THE ONE WHO POSTED A COMMENT ON JULY 30 2008 6:29pm!!!in my comment there i was asking those questions i wana know..so i never complain the contestants!! pls dun mistaken..
waiting for your reply...
my name is kitty from kl..

Anonymous said...

So you're the one saying that you wanna join ST?? If you think that the organizers for ST is not good then why do you still wanna join ST?? I wonder~....hmmm....Do not join if you think this competition is not well organized...Those participants who joined this competition joined because they are happy with this event and willing to join and become a part of them....If you're not satisfied with ST's organizer, why still join?? You won't be happy if you are in a competition but not satisfied with their organizers~^^

Anonymous said...

actually im a person who love to do performance on the stage..
and i did a lot of performance..
i saw the photos of the contestants, i know they are realy enjoy the competition...i can feel what they actually feel when they are performing on the stage..
i wish to be the part of them also..
and i just not very happy with the judging...that is why i dropped a comment....thats all...
if possible,just improve it..
im not saying that i don't like all the event organized..

and im not saying that im not satisfy with the organiser..
i know this is the 4th time they organise this event, maybe they do not have enough experience in organizing such event...but it is doesn't matter actually..
i think this blog was created and publics are freely to drop comments here, the organiser should refers the comments posted or in other words, get the feedback from the public to improve themselves...
i dropped a comment stated that im nt very happy with the judging just for reference and hope the organiser can improve themselves..
and im not waiting for the answer 'do not join'..hope you can get it..waiting for your reply...


Anonymous said...

I get it~^^